The Top 3 Challenges in Securing Vacant Real Estate and How to Overcome Them

Justin and Sarah Pilotte Dec 09, 2023
24 People Read
Securing Real Estate

Property Protection 101: Justin's Tips for Securing Vacant Real Estate

Hello, I'm Justin from Today, I'll delve into the intricate world of safeguarding vacant real estate, a task that is far from a walk in the park. Whether you're a property owner or manager, the challenges of protecting empty properties from theft, vandalism, and unauthorized occupants can keep you up at night (I've been there). In this blog post, we'll dive into the top three challenges faced in securing vacant real estate and explore practical, conversational solutions to overcome them. Let's embark on a journey to safeguard your investment and ensure your vacant properties remain protected.

Challenge 1: Physical Security

Locked Home

Alright, let's get real about the first challenge – physical security. Empty properties have a magnetic pull for all sorts of mischief. Traditional locks and basic security systems may not be enough to deter the determined troublemakers. So, what can you do to fortify your vacant real estate fortress?

Upgrade Your Security Systems:

Time to step into the future! Consider investing in state-of-the-art security systems that go beyond the standard alarm and locks combo. Picture this – surveillance cameras keeping a watchful eye, motion sensors ready to catch any movement, and alarms that scream for attention. The best part? You can monitor it all remotely, ensuring you're the first to know if something's amiss.

Fortify Those Entry Points:

Doors, windows, and any other potential entry points are your property's vulnerable spots. Strengthen them with high-quality locks, shatterproof glass, and reinforced frames. Think of it as giving your property a superhero suit – impenetrable and ready to take on anything. Don't stop there; throw in some security shutters or grilles for an extra layer of protection. Remember, it's all about making your property an unappealing target. Certainly, while being mindful of our budgets, we may not be able to implement all of these suggestions, but it's essential to explore and prioritize some of these measures for consideration.

Let There Be Light:

Darkness provides cover for mischief-makers, as they consistently seek out the most poorly lit corners of a property to gain entry. Illuminate your property like a Hollywood set! Bright exterior lighting not only discourages trespassers but also improves visibility. Consider solar-powered lights for an eco-friendly touch and continuous illumination during power outages. Let's keep those dark corners well-lit and trouble-free. Having lights on timers on the inside of the home can also be extremely effective.

Challenge 2: Property Maintenance

Lawn Care

Now, onto challenge number two – property maintenance. Vacant properties, if left unchecked, can quickly turn into a playground for vandals and squatters. Limited resources can make this a tricky challenge, but fear not, there is always a solution!

Frequent Property Inspections:

Time for some detective work! Regular inspections are your secret weapon. Keep an eagle eye out for any signs of wear and tear – broken windows, damaged doors, or overgrown vegetation. Spotting issues early can deter potential troublemakers and save you a world of headaches.

Timely Repairs:

Once you've played detective, it's time to be the handyman. Address those maintenance issues pronto! Broken windows or damaged doors should be fixed or replaced quickly to prevent unauthorized access. Building relationships with local contractors ensures a swift response when your property needs a little TLC. If you lack reliable contacts for repairs, consider reaching out to other homeowners or investors to gather valuable recommendations.

Preservation Services to the Rescue:

Sometimes, you need a team of superheroes. Enter property preservation services! These companies specialize in routine maintenance tasks like lawn care, snow removal, and cleaning. They keep your property looking occupied and discourage criminal activity. It's like having a guardian angel for your vacant real estate. These are services most property managers could help you attaining.

Challenge 3: Legal and Regulatory Compliance


Last but certainly not least, challenge number three – legal and regulatory compliance. Navigating the legal landscape can be as tricky as a maze, but fear not – we've got a roadmap for you.

Insure, Insure, Insure:

First things first – insurance. Ensure your property is adequately insured against all the potential risks – theft, vandalism, accidents, you name it. Regularly review your insurance policies to keep them up-to-date. And here's a pro-tip: explore specialized vacant property insurance for tailored coverage. Whenever a property may go vacant, it may be best to call your insurance broker to notify them of the vacancy as you may not be insured for it.

Local Know-How:

Every location comes with its own set of regulations. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the specific rules governing vacant properties in your area, covering aspects such as registration requirements and maintenance standards. Treat these regulations like your go-to recipe; they're your secret sauce for steering clear of penalties and ensuring compliance with the law.

Paperwork Matters:

Keep a paper trail. Detailed records of property maintenance, inspections, and any incidents related to the property are your legal armor. These records not only demonstrate compliance but also come in handy if any disputes arise. Embrace digital documentation tools for an organized and accessible paper trail.

Justin's Concluding Tips for Property Security

Securing vacant real estate might seem like a daunting task, but armed with the right strategies, you can turn it into a manageable mission. Upgrading your security systems, staying on top of property maintenance, and navigating the legal landscape are key components of the journey. So, let's fortify those entry points, shine a light on potential trouble, and ensure our paperwork is as solid as a rock. Justin at believes in your ability to overcome these challenges and protect your vacant real estate. Here's to safeguarding your investment and ensuring your properties remain safe and sound!

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